مكتب يورو بورما ‏ EBO‏:: مؤتمر ‏ ARU‏ بجدة لا يتوافق مع اتفاقية 2011

وكالة أنباء الروهنجيا: أصدر المدير التنفيذي لمكتب يورو بورما ‏ EBO‏ السيد “هارن شو” بياناً أول أمس الاثنين بشأن موقف المكتب ‏فيما يتعلق بالمؤتمر الثاني لاتحاد أراكان الروهنجيا ‏ARU، والذي عقد في مدينة جدة في الفترة من 7 يوليو وحتى 8 يوليو عام 2013.‏

images (1)وجاء في البيان – حصلت الوكالة على نسخة منه – أن المكتب لا يتدخل في الشؤون الداخلية للمجموعات والعرقيات والأحزاب السياسية ‏أو المنظمات المجتمع المدني في بورما أو في خارجها.‏

وبين “هارن” – وهو ابن أول رئيس للوزراء في بورما، والذي يعيش في منفاه في لندن – أن تعزيز الديمقراطية في بورما خلال تمكين ‏من لا صوت له ليكون لهم أصواتاً يطالبون من خلالها بحقوقهم، ومن هذا المنطلق ساهم المكتب بشكل فاعل مع منظمة التعاون ‏الإسلامي ‏ OIC ‎عقد اجتماع للمنظمات الروهنجية عام 2011، تحت مظلة Continue reading

By voice4rohingya

Total Rejection of DG 5 yea-rs term Mandate in the name of ARU

This is to inform to all Rohingya brothers and sisters and as well   to all those who are following the unilitral action of Mr.Wakar Uddin with the co-operation of Mr.Talal Daous and Ms.Madani under the cover of a great organization of Muslim Ummah that we the majority founding members of Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) who hold the organization/s name ARU do hereby  totally reject self-crafted gathering and established mandate of DG for next 5 years renewable  further five years ( reserved for ten years by his own drafted constitution) in the name of ARU with the votes of 12 relatives and 19 GRC/Jaaliyat members plus some residence of Saudi Arabia.

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Foreign Minister: Australia Will Help Rohingya But Not Resettle Them

MELBOURNE, July 10 (Bernama) — Few ethnic groups would have as strong a claim to Australian assistance than the oppressed Rohingya minority of Myanmar, but the solution is not to resettle them in Australia, said Foreign Minister Bob Carr.
Senator Carr said the Rohingya — about 800,000 stateless Muslim settlers originally from Bangladesh — were by any test enormously oppressed, suffering routine discrimination and violence.
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By voice4rohingya

Rohingya people must work together and avoid infighting; it is what the oppressors want

Rohingya Leaders Say ARU Conference Should Have Been Postponed

Mohamed Ibrahim for Salem-News.comibrahim-uddin
Rohingya people must work together and avoid infighting; it is what the oppressors want…
Mohamed Ibrahim and Abdul Aziz of ERC, and the Prof. Dr. Wakar Uddin at the United Nations in Geneva.

(BERLIN) – There is not a single resistance movement in the world that does not suffer from dissension and division, but the cause of the Rohingya people must still somehow be an exception to this. The Rohingya Muslims of Burma have long suffered for their faith, they have been punished, routed, raped, tortured, broken and murdered for being different, and Salem-News.com refuses to allow this to take place silently. The enemy of the Rohingya Muslim in Burma are the Rakhine Buddhists. Some have a mob like mentality and they are backed by a Buddhist government that has little regard for any Muslims, let alone the Rohingya. Continue reading